The normalization peak is not a sharp square, what can I do?

The normalization peak should be a sharp injection and ejection of Normalization solution, with a plateau ideally in the same fluorescent count range as the highest measurement data. If the normalization peak injection or ejection is not precise the tube passivation...

What should I consider for handling and storing of a heliXcyto chip?

To assure chip longevity, handle it with care and avoid extreme temperature jumps. Do not freeze the heliXcyto chip. After use or if you observe increasing fluorescence background counts (above 3 x 105 cps), clean the chip with the Chip cleaning kit and store it at 4...

How do I clean the heliXcyto and the chips after my measurements?

Different maintenance scripts for the heliXcyto are provided in heliOS. Optimally, you include a Cyto chip wash after each measurement and 1-3 System washes at the end of the entire experiment. Regular Clean & Sleep routines of the heliXcyto keep the device...

How often can the heliXcyto chip be used?

heliXcyto chips can be re-used many times. An automatic regeneration step is washing out your trapped cells after each measurement. Additional chip cleaning by an optional Chip wash is recommended. Extensive cleaning is also possible manually on the bench with our...